Who Is King’S ChUrch?

What we believe

Of course, we believe the Bible. But what do we believe the Bible teaches?

King’s Church believes that the 1833 New Hampshire Confession of Faith is a helpful summary of the Bible’s teachings. This is a historic Baptist statement of Christian belief.

When we say that we have a Reformed heritage, this means that we hold to the so-called “Five Solas:” Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone, and God’s Glory Alone. We are on guard against any teaching that would compromise any one of these treasured truths.

OuR PastOrS

  • Dick Burdine


  • Jake Taube


Our ComMitmeNtS

Congregations are formed by shared commitments. As God enables us, this is the kind of church that we want to be. These commitments guide our leaders as they make decisions about the direction of our church.

  1. We are committed to preaching Christ always and to all. 

  2. We are committed to historical biblical Christianity.

  3. We are committed to liberty and unity based in a generous orthodoxy.

  4. We are committed to exploring the depths of biblical truth.

  5. We are committed to being accessible to the everyday Christian.

  6. We are committed to addressing the issues of our day.

  7. We are committed to calling our people to grow as disciples.

  8. We are committed to a streamlined form of ministry.

  9. We are committed to the leadership of a plurality of pastors.

  10. We are committed to making friends out of family.